L’Omino di Pan di Zenzero, “Gingerbread Man” per gli inglesi, è il simpatico protagonista dei biscotti natalizi, io ho già preparato e ho già condiviso con tutti voi la mia ricetta dei Gingerbread Man o Ginger Man (e non solo) senza lattosio, quest’anno ho realizzato il video tutorial un po’ rivisitato.
Alcuni cenni storici (fonte: Wikipedia)
A gingerbread man is a biscuit or cookie made of gingerbread, usually in the shape of a stylized human, although other shapes, especially seasonal themes (Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc.) and characters, are common.
Gingerbread dates from the 15th century, and figural biscuit-making was practiced in the 16th century. The first documented instance of figure-shaped gingerbread biscuits was at the court of Elizabeth I of England. She had the gingerbread figures made and presented in the likeness of some of her important guests.
Most gingerbread men share a roughly humanoid shape, with stubby feet and no fingers. Many gingerbread men have a face, though whether the features are indentations within the face itself or other candies stuck on with icing or chocolate varies from recipe to recipe. Other decorations are common; hair, shirt cuffs, and shoes are sometimes applied, but by far the most popular decoration is shirt buttons, which are traditionally represented by gum drops, icing, or raisins.
INGREDIENTI x l’impasto:
500 g farina 00
130 g zucchero a semolato
2 tuorli
1 tavoletta di burro delattosato (120 g. circa)
180 g margarina
1 bustina vanillina
una spolverata di zenzero (generosa se piace)
Ingredienti e utensili per decorare:
pasta di zucchero (bianca)
stampini a forma di omino (o forme a piacere)
Per il procedimento gustatevi il video: